New Client Site Launches for Fall 2024

New Client Site Launches for Fall 2024

Our Faith Enroll team has been busy this summer getting severals sites launched in June in preparation for Fall Registration. Congratulations to the following clients who were able to streamline their processes and take their registrations and payments online.

all souls logo

  All Souls Parish was handling their registrations manually, which caused a lot of inaccurate information, duplicate files, and even lost files.   


st. cletus logo

St. Cletus used google forms along with paper registrations. They did not take any payments online and instead were processing those in-person.   



Sanctuary of the Divine Heart had Excel spreadsheets. The process was time-consuming and prone for mistakes. the sanctuary of the divine heart  



st. theodore logo


And lastly, St. Theodore did in-person registrations along with paper registrations. Their biggest complaint was not having the student data year after year and having to re-enter everything.

Your Faith Enroll service is customized to match your program’s unique needs.